I recently worked as an Artist's Assistant drawing concepts for Michael Maiden Studios. Michael Maiden is known for his bronze Disney tables and statues sold at Disney Parks.
There are many iterations a table goes through before winning the bronze.
For this Snow White End Table, I produced several drawings where Snow White is singing to birds, listening to echoes, and cleaning house.
Ultimately, weight plays a very important factor when casting in bronze, so a heavy water well or trellis over a door step were going to pass the limit.
Mike decided to take Snow White indoors. That’s when the “Whistle While You Work” table was born.
Tale As Old As Time
This Beauty and the Beast Coffee Table was produced when a fan who had already purchased Mike’s Entry Table of the same theme, wanted an entirely new design to match.
I had to study the expansive architecture of the Beast’s Castle as well as Mike’s previous table in order to keep a consistency between the two.
I often make paper pop-ups to get ideas across.
Wherefore Art Thou Rapunzel?
Mike is a traditionalist and wasn’t very excited about Tangled. I knew the best way to inspire him, was using traditional media to get ideas across, rather than making him stare at a bright screen.
At the studio, we have a giant roll of butcher paper and are encouraged to use it for sketches.
Apart from the tower, Tangled is rich with incredibly detailed castles and cottages. I had a lot of fun exploring the elaborate background art for this project.
Roger That
Roger Rabbit is one of my all time favorite movies. It was very important to me that the living buildings of Toon Town were included in this Entry Table. I’m so happy Mike agreed to it.
This movie is so full of toony detail, it was hard to fit everything in.